If you have extra blackberries you received from a Farms2Table farmers market, try this delicious but easy to make dessert called Layered Blackberry Fool. An easy fuss free berry parfait that is easy to pull off using blackberries, mixed with whipped cream, then topped with more whipped cream.
Sometimes confused with black raspberries, these tasty morsels represent a diverse group of berries from the Rubus species. Blackberries have been enjoyed for thousands of years. Today, we enjoy access to a wide variety of blackberries, including not only wild and domesticated versions, but also varieties categorized as trailing, erect, and semi-erect. Trailing berries typically require a trellis, while erect versions grow vertically.
Blackberries are a superfood with beneficial vitamins C, K, and manganese, high in fiber, and antioxidants. They're low in calories, carbs, and fat. Blackberries may even fight cancer and help prevent heart disease.
Layered Blackberry Fool by Julia Frey from Vikalinka. View our library of delicious and favorite recipes.
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